Friday, September 26, 2008

DAY DREAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dreams!!!!!!! what a wonderful creation of God!! It takes us anywher. Dreams may be of many types, out of which most of us concentrate on the ones we aim at. The ones we aspire to become. The other kind of dreams are the ones which we experience during our sleep phase. There is one another imoptent kind, which we fail to recognize or not give much importance to: Day dreaming!!! this is one of the most wornderful thing if we know how to enjoy it. because as we day dream, we have the power to imagine, exactly what we want to imagine. If we have the right control over our mind this is one of the things we can really enjoy THE MOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry potter!!!!!!

Harry potter!!!!!! rings a bell in most our minds right?? so where shall we start from.. how many harry potter fans? lets discuss about Harry potter!! Dumbeldore!! Hogwarts!!!!!!!!! wow what a school!!!! wish i could study in a school like that!! with a lake around and wooping willow and a forest!! and strange plants!! and with friends like Harmiene and Ron. with MAGIC al around!!!!!!!!! WOW that would be excellent.. what a dream what a world. with flying cars!! And brooms to go around!! Can you imagine? No traffic. We would reach our destinations in minutes. and save so much time Cooking would be so much easier. Magic in the world would make our life so excellent what say guys? i hope you all agree with me. Dumbeldore and his white lond beard with a moonlike face. Imagining something? come out and lets discuss each and everything about our dear Harry and his world :-)